Diseases are rampant nowadays due to increased free radicals and other environmental factors. Luckily, science continuously devises natural solutions to improve the quality of life.

One of the solutions recently discovered is exosome therapy. Exosome therapy can heal, repair, and reconstruct the human body. This process can: 

  • support metabolic function
  • reduce chronic inflammation
  • facilitates tissue regeneration
  • reduce chronic pain
  • boost healthy immune responses
  • reprogramming recipient cells

In this post, you will understand what an exosome is, and its benefits for your overall body’s response.


exosome therapy


What is an Exosome?

An exosome is a small bubble naturally occurring from cells called extracellular vesicles. Its size is much smaller than bacteria. Our eukaryotic cells are the ones producing exosomes. Back then, science believed that exosomes are the waste by-products of the cell.

However, through proper research, the said idea was debunked by scientists. It was found that exosomes serve as a mediating mechanism in directing cell-to-cell communication.

These tiny particles contain various proteins such as:

  • DNA
  • mRNA
  • messenger RNA
  • microRNA
  • long non-coding RBA
  • circular RNA
  • signaling cytokines
  • valuable lipids

Exosomes carry genetic information and act as a messaging device between cells. Thus, they are beneficial for waste management and regeneration. Exosomes also have the power to restore cells in your body.

Exosomes do not reproduce independently. But they can help other cells grow by inserting missing cell information.

How does exosome therapy work?

Exosome therapy provides therapy to a patient’s cells by modulating cellular activity. This type of therapy can fight off degenerative diseases and is considered regenerative medicine.

The process includes introducing a young and healthy combination of naturally occurring growth proteins and exosomes to the patient’s existing cells. This sort of therapy could be administered through direct injection or intravenous (IV) therapy.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)

Exosomes can be found in saliva, urine, milk, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid. However, compounds derived from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) found in the human umbilical cord have higher neurolysin activity.


intravenous (IV) injection


Benefits of Exosome Therapy

The following are the benefits of undergoing exosome therapy:

Serves as an anti-aging therapy

The low turnover of cells can make the aging process faster. Using exosome therapy, Lisa Rux Medical Aesthetician for the Women’s Centre can help you counterattack aging by slowing the turnover of all the cells in your body. The whole process can result in new tissue growth or tissue repair.

It will leave you with radiant and dewy skin as it enhances blood circulation. Exosome therapy tends to be more beneficial for folks over 35 because it can help increase collagen and elastin production.

Decreases inflammatory cycle process

Exosomes have anti-inflammatory cytokines. Clinical trials conducted due to its biological functions prove that it reduces inflammation from chronic disease.

This leads scientists to speculate that exosomes might play a part in regulating or aiding in illness repair.

Patients with Lyme disease, a complex disease, are also being investigated for exosome therapy. They said that doing so could end the cycle of inflammation. Inflammation can be one of the main reasons for neurodegenerative diseases.

Additionally, it might give the biological body function that could aid recovery. It can also help patients with autoimmune disease and degenerative joint disease.

Other benefits of exosome therapies:

  • Prevents genetic disorders
  • Stops cancer cells from replication
  • Provides a healthy immune response


stem cells


Stem Cell Therapy vs. Exosome Therapy

Stem cell therapies kick-start the healing process in your body. It can replace and repair diseased cells. It causes the continuous production of healthier cells over time since stem cells have a lengthy lifespan.

Exosome therapy does not rely on donor cells from outside your body like stem cell therapy. Alternatively, sterilized exosomes are isolated from donated human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).

The rejuvenating effects of stem cell therapy may be restricted by external factors and your general cell health. Exosome therapy promotes healing by giving your body the additional data from younger cells that it requires.

Exosomes contain approximately three times as many growth factors as adult stem cells. More growth factors improve the ability to repair and revive target cells.

Have a Safe Treatment

Whatever your reason for having an exosome therapy session, may it be for your immune system or a younger look, remember that it is a case-to-case basis. The result may vary, and you may need multiple doses to achieve the results you desire.

Exosomes injected into your body are already safe. However, to ensure the success of the therapy, you need to have a medical professional administer it. Lisa Rux is a seasoned medical aesthetician

Book your appointment at (940) 231 5636!